About Us

Who we are

digital agency

About Us

Welcome to 'Sefatun'
We are providing IT-related services. Here you will get all types of services such as web development, graphics design, SEO, and many more. Also, here are available custom services that are not included in our service list.

Our Story

Sefatun is a brand made up of some experienced people that includes all IT-related services. At first, it was only provided web design and development services. However, to keep pace with the generation, graphic design, digital marketing, app development and some similar number of services are being added here one after another. Considering customer demand and technological advancement, we only add people who are actually experienced.
The company, which has been operating as a single entity since 2021, was transformed into an agency at the end of the same year (October). All this has been made possible by providing professional services to the satisfaction of clients. We are very careful about all our clients, and we think this is the main reason for the progress of a business/service.

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Brand Explanation

Our brand explanation is divided into two parts. The first is the brand color and the second is the brand icon.

About Us
01. Brand Color: We've used Blue Color, which means a trusted business. Looking at the fidelity of an individual or organization, it is used to understand that verification should be done using this color, for example: blue tick.

It is noteworthy that we have taken 2 different parts of the Blue color, which means a rapidly changing generation in line with the current times.
02. Brand Icon: A brand icon is an image concentrated brand that conveys incredible widespread qualities, making it immediately conspicuous because of its own and particular codes. About the circle background it’s means that we are covering around the whole world 360 by giving our professional service.
Another hand, our primary icon divided into 2 parts, related to the brand name and the brand's major service.
About Us
About Us
a. Brand Name: Our brand name is "Sefatun" which started with the letter 'S' and it's rotated 45 degrees to clockwise.
The meaning of this is we are going/developing/improving with the current era.
b. Major Service: Our main service is related to web and app programming. HTML language is the main thing in this case. HTML tags use 3 main symbols to write, those are '<, /, >' and we have executed these 3 symbols in this brand icon.
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